







教授,博士生导师。20057月毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,获博士学位。20097月至20108月在台湾大学做博士后访问,从事图像视频处理和压缩感知研究。201612月至201712月在英国利物浦大学以Honorary Professor身份作访问学术研究,研究内容为图像视频智能处理研究。主持和参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2 项,主持和参与教育部科学技术研究重点项目2项。主持台湾博士后研究项目1项,主持校级项目5项。近年来,在国内外刊物和会议发表论文37篇,其中SCI检索论文21篇,EI检索论文11篇。


IEEEE会员,中国图象图形学学会会员,中国工业与应用数学学会会员,中国人工智能学会会员。《中国图象图形学报》、《自动化学报》、《IEEE Signal Processing Letters》、《IEEE Access》、《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》、《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》、《International Journal of Computer Mathematics》审稿人。


[1] 201512月维多利亚老品牌vic119科学技术奖二等奖。

[2] 201212月获维多利亚老品牌vic119校第七届教学成果二等奖。

[3] 20125月获维多利亚老品牌vic119校级规划项目优秀成果奖二等奖。






[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于压缩感知的核磁共振成像问题驱动的应用数学研究。

[2] 台湾行政院国家科学委员会博士后研究项目:界面问题-数值计算与应用。

[3] 教育部科学技术研究重点项目:基于偏微分方程的图像处理问题的研究。

[4] 维多利亚老品牌vic119高精尖项目:智能传播效果评估研究。

[5] 优秀博士生导师团队科研提升计划项目:人工智能优化算法研究。

[6] 维多利亚老品牌vic119理工科规划项目:压缩感知理论方法研究。


[1] Jiahong Zhang, Yonggui Zhu, Wenyi Li, Wenlong Fu, and Lihong Cao, DRNet: A Deep Neural Network With Multi-Layer Residual Blocks Improves Image Denoising, IEEE Access, 9,  pp. 79936-79946, 2021. (SCI)

[2] Yonggui Zhu, Weiheng Shen, Fanqiang Cheng, Cong Jin, and Gang Cao. Removal of high density Gaussian noise in compressed sensing MRI reconstruction through modified total variation image denoising method. Heliyon. 6, e03680, pp. 1-9, 2020. (SCI)

[3] Gang Cao, Antan Zhou, Xianglin Huang, Gege Song, Lifang Yang and Yonggui Zhu, Resampling detection of recompressed images via dual-stream neural network, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(2019), pp. 5022-5040. (SCI)

[4] Jun Zhang, Chengzhi Deng, Yuying Shi, Shengqian Wang and Yonggui Zhu, A fast linearised augumented Lagrangian method for a mean curvature based model, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 8 (2018), pp. 463-476. (SCI)

[5] Xiaole Zhang, Yuying Shi, Zhi-Feng Pang and Yonggui Zhu, Fast algorithm for image denoising with different boundary conditions, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354 (2017), pp. 4595-4614. (SCI)

[6] Yonggui Zhu, Xinyan Yu, Bin Zhang, and Xiuxiu Niu, A nonlinear diffusion model for image restoration, Acta Mathematicae Applicae Sinica(English Series), 32 (2016), pp. 631-646. (SCI)

[7] Tongtong Jia, Yuying Shi, Yonggui Zhu, and Lei Wang, An image restoration model combining mixed L1/L2 fidelity terms, Journal of Vision Communication and Image Representation, 38 (2016), pp. 461-473. (SCI)

[8] Yonggui Zhu and Xiaoman Liu, A fast method for L1-L2 modeling for MR image compressive sensing, Journal of inverse and ill-posed problems, 23 (2015) , pp. 211-218. (SCI)

[9] Yonggui Zhu, Yuying Shi, Bin Zhang, and Xinyan Yu, Weighted-average alternating minimization method for magnetic resonance image reconstruction based on compressive sensing, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 8 (2014) , pp. 925-937. (SCI)

[10] Yonggui Zhu and Yuying Shi, A fast method for reconstruction of Total-Variation MR images with a periodic boundary condition, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20 (2013) , pp. 291-294. (SCI)

[11] Jingjing Liu, Yuying Shi, and Yonggui Zhu, A fast and robust algorithm for image restoration with periodic boundary conditions, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 17 (2014),  pp. 524-538. (SCI)

[12] Yuying Shi, Xiaozhong Yang, and Yonggui Zhu, Bregman iterative model using the G-norm, Acta Mathematicae Applicae Sinica(English Series), 30 (2014), pp. 179-186. (SCI)

[13] Yonggui Zhu, Kangtong, and Temuer Chaolu, New exact solitary-wave solutions for the K(2,2,1) and K(3,3,1) equations, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,  33 (2007) 1411-1416. (SCI)

[14] Yonggui Zhu and Chao Lu, New solitary solutions with compact support for Boussinesq-like B(2n,2n) equations with fully nonlinear dispersionsChaos, Solitons & Fractals, 32 (2007) 768-772. (SCI)

[15] Yonggui Zhu andZhuosheng Lü,New exact solitary-wave special solutions for the nonlinear dispersive K(m,n) equationsChaos, Solitons & Fractals, 27 (2006) 836-842. (SCI)

[16] Yonggui Zhu and Xiaoshan Gao,Exact special solutions with compact support for the nonlinear dispersive K(m,n) equationsChaos, Solitons & Fractals, 27 (2006) 487-493. (SCI)

[17] Yonggui Zhu, Qianshun Chang, and Shengchang Wu,Construction of exact solitary solutions for Boussinesq-like B(m,n) equations with fully nonlinear dispersion by the decomposition methodChaos, Solitons & Fractals, 26 (2005) 897-903. (SCI)

[18] Yonggui Zhu, Qianshun Chang, and Shengchang Wu,Exact solitary solutions with compact support for nonlinear dispersive Boussinesq-like B(m,n) equationsChaos, Solitons & Fractals, 26 (2005) 407-413. (SCI)

[19] Yonggui Zhu, Qianshun Chang, and Shengchang Wu,A New Algorithm for Calculating Adomian PolynomialsApplied Mathematics and Computation169 (2005) 402-416. (SCI)

[20] Yonggui Zhu, Qianshun Chang, and Shengchang Wu,Exact solitary-wave solutions with compact support for the modified  KdV equationChaos, Solitons & Fractals, 24 (2005) 365-369. (SCI)

[21] Yonggui Zhu, Exact special solutions with solitary patterns for  Bousssinesq-like B(m,n) equations with fully nonlinear dispersion,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 22 (2004) 213-220. (SCI)